After stumbling upon this recipe from AlmondConer (.blogspot), I have to admit I was puzzled, intrigued and a little grossed out all at once. Couscous in a cheesecake? That just seems wrong.
After the recipe, scribbled on the back of a grocery receit, sat next to my computer for a few months, I decided it was time to give it a shot- with a few tweeks here and there.
Instead of one large custard, I opted to put my tart pan to good use and make a few miniature ones instead. They turned out pretty well, If I may say so myself.
Two of them were topped with a couscous-honey-crushed almond mixture ( as specified in Almond's recipe) and the other two I spread with homemade, homegrown blackberry jam. Honestly, I preferred the jam to the couscous- but hey, that's just me.